KKOOM’s new website at www.kkoom.org
Websites are important for non-profit organizations because it is the first impression of an organization, especially in the digital age.
To better improve our outreach, KKOOM re-vitalized our website in April 2018. It was a seven-month process by KKOOM’s Board through various discussions, giving feedback, and reviewing mock sites. We hope it’s easier to navigate our site to find our mission, stories, and ways to give back. Thank you Mack Media for your guidance to assist KKOOM through our website re-branding.
It’s been a year of improving our story-telling of the children we support. KKOOM also created new brochures which gives our friends and supporters a better understanding of why and how we improve the lives of Korean children.
We would love for you to share KKOOM’s mission with your friends and family. To receive physical copies of our newly improved brochures, you can email our Chief Administrator at grace.lee@kkoom.org with your mailing address and how many copies you’d like to receive. We are happy to provide you the resources to share why you support KKOOM.