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Improving the Lives of Korean Youth Through Outreach and Education

Making A Difference: Spring 2018 College Scholars

With spring in the air, it’s a season of new beginnings. A new school year started in March 2018 as South Korea’s academic calendar begins in March and ends in December. KKOOM is proudly supporting three young adults to attend a college/university this semester. One is a new scholar and two are continuing their education to achieve their long-term goals. Both Yonghoon and Minyeal (continuing scholars) received a 4.29 GPA last semester- way to go gentlemen!

Each of our college scholars are committed to the same cause: SERVICE. They have chosen majors to make a difference in society, whether through social work, ministry, or the hospitality industry. We asked each scholar to answer a few questions for KKOOM so hope you enjoy learning about their career goals and hobbies/interests! Their answers were translated into English by our Chief Administrator, Grace Lee.

YONGHOON, 2nd year, World Cyber University, Major: Social Welfare

“I have been studying a lot harder than last semester and my grades have improved a lot. The most difficult thing last semester was that my professor was not listening to me in class and I did not have much knowledge. My goal this semester is to work a little harder, build up my knowledge about social welfare, and think about my future goals. Five years from now, I’d like to have my social worker certificate and be working at Emmanuel Children’s Home in Gimcheon.”

MINYEAL, 3rd year (final semester), World Cyber University, Major: Pastoral Studies

“The most rewarding thing from last semester was participating in a 3 week field work practicum at Aemangwon Orphanage in Daegu. While there were some challenges with commuting there, I’m grateful to God for the opportunity to finish the practicum without any accidents. Usually there is always something really difficult about any given semester, but I seemed to finish fall semester without too much difficulties. As this is my last semester, I want to graduate with a grateful heart. Five years from now, I do not know how God will lead, but I will always obey. I will continue studying to become a praise minister to God, whether it takes 5 years, 10 years, or when I’m married. Learning in Korea is important, but learning from other countries is more important and necessary so I would love to serve abroad.”

SE-HEE, 1st year, Gumi University, Major: Hotel Tourism

“I chose my major because of my global overseas experience traveling to Sweden and Finland in high school as a freshman and going on a volunteer trip to Vietnam during my senior year in high school. I’m looking forward to a cocktail and casino class I have this semester. With the KKOOM scholarship funds, I will apply for a special course to improve my English proficiency. With my desire to work overseas, attending an university allows me to spend more time in English classes so I can speak more conversationally and fluently. My goal this year is to study English hard so I can work abroad. In my spare time, I like to travel, meet various people and do various activities.”

Thanks to our generous supporters and friends, we’ve increased each semester scholarship in 2018 from 500,000 KRW (~$470) to 700,000 KRW (~$657). KKOOM is grateful to you! Thank you for continuing to invest in our college scholars. You play an important role helping Yonghoon, Minyeal, and Se-Hee achieve their dreams. To donate directly to our college scholarship campaign, please click here.

With gratitude,

-Grace Lee, Chief Administrator

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