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Improving the Lives of Korean Youth Through Outreach and Education

A Truly Impactful Education – Former Scholar Update

Gabby loves being in kindergarten!

In 2019 and 2020, we funded a preschool scholarship for a young girl named Gabby. She is now five-years-old. When KKOOM first funded her preschool scholarship in fall 2019, she was three. At that time, she could not receive government funding to attend school. Four is the age that the government supports a preschool education for those living in the social welfare system. The additional 1.5 years of preschool before government funding was instrumental in growing Gabby’s social and emotional skills.  

Photo of Gabby when she first arrived in spring 2019

When Gabby arrived at a KKOOM-supported children’s home in 2019, she was a shy, little girl who barely spoke and had a hard time allowing people to hug her. Over time her confidence has grown. After a few months of being at the children’s home, she started articulating herself better and enjoyed being around others. In December 2019, she even performed the “Three Bear’s Song ” in Korean at KKOOM’s Inaugural Christmas Talent Show.

Gabby singing “Three Little Bears” at the KKOOM Christmas Party in 2019

Gabby is now in kindergarten. We recently reached out to her house mother to get more information on how Gabby is doing in school. Her favorite thing to do in kindergarten is playing in the water. She also loves playing house with her friends, even giving herself the responsibilities of being mom or dad during the role play. The biggest improvement is her emotional stability and having stronger social skills. Gabby does a really good job of making friends easily. 

Gabby loves playing in the water at school!

Here are some words shared by Gabby’s house mother in appreciation to the KKOOM community. “I would like to express my gratitude to KKOOM for running a preschool scholarship program. With your support, many children can grow up to be bright and healthy. By always helping and supporting the children at Emmanuel, the children can live happily ever after. Thank you always!” 

Photo of Gabby in summer 2020

Oprah Winfrey said, “education is the key to unlocking the world. It is the passport to freedom.” Through your generosity, you have unlocked a world of possibilities for this young toddler by providing a truly impactful education. The best is yet to come for Gabby, thanks to your steadfast love and support for KKOOM’s Preschool Scholarship Program.

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