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Improving the Lives of Korean Youth Through Outreach and Education

Back 2 School Fundraiser

In South Korea, March marks the season of new beginnings as children start the new year. We have asked the KKOOM-supported children’s homes what their needs are as we kick-off our second Back 2 School Fundraiser!

Aemangwon Children’s Home is requesting new shoes, backpacks, clothes, legos, and fine motor skill toys to support children with physical and cognitive challenges. Emmanuel is asking for new school supplies, in particular for their middle school students. Samsungwon’s needs vary per child, so we will fund a marketplace for 41 children, where they can freely choose all the supplies they need, from new school slippers to pencil cases, backpacks, and more.

Three children’s homes. 78 different needs. One goal – give supplies so they can thrive in the classroom. Let’s help children in South Korea better focus on their studies, by providing them the newest and necessary supplies they need.

Together, let’s give Korean children a fresh start to a flourishing school year!

Sharing is Caring!