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Improving the Lives of Korean Youth Through Outreach and Education

Interview with HyungJun’s House Mom – Fall 2018 Update

Throwback Photo of HyungJun in July 2017 when he first arrived at Samsungwon Orphanage

HyungJun in summer 2018 enjoying the sunny days on Samsungwon’s Camping Trip













Last summer, a new orphan child named HyungJun arrived in July 2017. Being one years old (two years old in Korean age), he was underdeveloped physically for an average child at his age. Within the first three months of being nourished at Samsungwon Orphanage, his first teeth came through.

After living at the orphanage for one full year, HyungJun is physically healthy at two years old (three years old in Korean age) and just experienced his first annual summer trip with the Samsungwon children. In the photo above, HyungJun’s house mother is holding him in between water splashing at the camping trip. We recently asked his house mother to answer a few questions about how HyungJun is doing and if he enjoys preschool. You can read her answers translated in English below.

Please describe your child’s personality.

  • HyungJun is shy with unfamiliar people, but he’s opened up more compared to last year. He likes to play outside and is very active.

What effect does the preschool education have on HyungJun? How has it influenced him?

  • Going to preschool helps him develop socially through his peers and toddler play time.

What are your child’s strength and talents?

  • I do not know very well yet, but when music comes out, he enjoys to dance, and playing ball with the kick-board is good.

Please leave any other comments.

  • Thank you for helping HyungJun through his dreams.

Anytime our Chief Administrator travels to South Korea, she experiences first-hand the joy HyunJun carries around him when he hears music playing. Your kind generosity helps him succeed in different facets of his life. Thank you for playing a part in supporting HyungJun to grow academically, physically, mentally, and musically through some dancing beats.

We appreciate what you do to improve HyungJun’s life every single day. Getting HyungJun one step closer to achieving his dreams through a preschool scholarship is possible thanks to you.

With gratitude,

Grace Lee, Chief Administrator

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