They say it takes a village to raise a child. Supporters and friends of KKOOM play a unique role helping to make a positive impact for the children we serve. KKOOM is currently funding three toddlers to attend school from two children’s homes in the Gyeongsangbuk-do area. We asked their house mothers to share their favorite things they love and their progress in school.

Minnie loves to smile from ear to ear

Minnie loves to color at school
Minnie is 26 months old and is thriving at the children’s home. When she arrived in late May, her speaking ability was below average. Just seven months later, she articulates herself very well and is curious of her surroundings, always asking “What’s that?” She loves reading books. KKOOM’s Chief Administrator had a chance to read stories about Pinnochio, Sleeping Beauty, and the Ugly Duckling all within 5 minutes to Minnie, as she grabbed the next book in pure excitement before finishing the one at hand. Her favorite cartoon characters are Pororo and Tayo, The Little Car. She loves Pororo and toy cars so much that she asked for a Pororo toy car for Christmas this year. Minnie has a sweet tooth and loves seaweed and miso soup. This is Minnie’s first year of going to school and she enjoys it! You can see from the photo above that she loves to color.

Jay loves to play with his friends at school and looks like he is having a good time!

Jay likes to be silly at school!
KKOOM started funding Jay to attend preschool in early 2019. His favorite things to do are singing and playing with toys. Being 32 months old, he also started speaking at a later age. We asked his house mother if she had any funny stories to share about Jay. One day in the past few months, he suddenly spoke a sentence. Everyone was surprised and laughed together to celebrate the joyous moment. The house mother shares her gratitude with his teacher, “Thank you! Good job!” While Jay gets sad when he cannot go outside, he is most happy when he eats his favorite food, sweet snacks. Jay grows in his confidence every day, while having a stubborn side as well. He loved gardening at school in spring 2019, and enjoys the company of his friends.

Gabby is slowly warming up to people, since May 2019

Gabby takes good care of other students at school
Gabby arrived the same day as Minnie but at a different children’s home in late May. She is 33 months old and has blossomed since starting school. Her teacher describes her as the class leader, taking really good care of the other children at school. When she first arrived at the children’s home, she liked to be left alone and didn’t enjoy people holding her. Now, she is slowly warming up to people and allowing them to hug her. Gabby loves Pororo and stuffed animals, especially the large plushie ones. At school, she is learning nursery rhymes and how to draw and cut, which sharpens her fine motor skills. She likes to sing songs, especially the “Three Bears Song,” called “Gom Se Ma Ri” in Korean. So you’ll find her often singing around the children’s home.
Support from house mothers and teachers, daily interactions and relationships with their peers give Minnie, Jay, and Gabby important social-emotional experiences. By providing these young scholars an education, you are giving them opportunities to shape their personal development, learning, and emotional wellbeing. To can give to our preschool scholarship fund here. Being surrounded by a strong community is essential for any child to grow in their self-esteem and character. We are grateful you give these children a new start to be educated and integrated into a positive environment where they can continuously find support, love, and acceptance.
With gratitude,
Grace Lee, Chief Administrator